Saturday, May 26, 2012


assalamualaikum and hello there!

hows ur day?is it as great as I am?.hope so
since I'm still staying at utp ,I guess I'm glad enough knowing I got that Pinjaman Boleh Ubah MARA.Thanks God,He has already planned this..So officially I'm not leaving utp for UIA or MATRIKS,I'll always being here with all these great people I love most,all of you are a part of my family -ain hajar ellly adni asma' MZ rina irham sarah kim pipah zai husna and budakk MAY intake,E'ah..haha..lets renew our aim and go for it..together we cherish new wonderful memories..

to all my friends,geng2 MMP,SKPH and KEX12..all the best in ur new university life.enjoy every single moment that u have..yg dapat pegi oversea MAIRA AMEER IZHANI..tahniah,jelezz  gile kot..hihi

here I would like to thank the important person that help me a lot,abah ummi yg sacrifice all they can for me,of course tanpa doa restu my  parents I'll never be what I am una,thaks sebab bagi aku essay BRAtS kau yang gempakk gile tu  as a reference utk buat essay kat MARA hari tu..che su yg tolong check my essay even malu kot vocab entah pape..all friends yg always and always support and doakan aku..thanks so much you

not to forget che Haida yg selalu bagi kate2 semangat..all the best ya kat USIM..

again that "keramat" words-"aim for the best and maintain ur aim"
let success be ours especially to EE student..ngeee~

only now i found the best picture of mine..HAHA..:P

see you again in the next post,bye :))

Thursday, May 10, 2012



assalamualaikum and hello there!!cam biase ayat first "so long tak update blog" hahha..xde ape nak share kita senyap je lahh kan..

act this post bout PETRONAS SCHOLARSHIP..
ye lahh dah habes satu sem aku kat utp kan,of course harapkn scholar mewah dr petronas ..but sad to say aku tak dpt..:((

""nak citer utk juniors la..kalo korang minat engineering and teringin nak study kat utp,aku nasihatkn buat leklok utk trial SPM then follow my step..apply utp ngan result trial.time cuti after spm korang akan pegi interview utk JAN intake utp.insyaallah..after korang qualified utk JAN intake,pegi je laa..*just like me..even tak dpt enjoy cam org lain still fun having university life lagi awal dr kawan2 yg lain..after SPM result..apply utk SCHOLARSHIP PETRONAS..istimewanya takyahh interview dahh,just ade simple test je..lagi senang..insyaallah kalo rezeki korang dpt tajaan dr petronas then bole stay study kt utp yg gempakk tuhh..:))""

sekarang ni konpius either nak stay or blahh dr utp..but after slow talk ngan umi abah td diorg suruh stay je..insyaalalh the only thing aku harapkn skrg adalah MARA yg baik hati tuhh..insyaalllah dpt mara,tenang skt aku study nati..

kira bersyukur la my parents jenis yg open-minded ..even takk dpt scholar petronas pon diorg stil support utk aku kejar cite2 kt lahh ade kot parents yg marah "petronas ni nak bape A lagi ? takk cukup ke result anak aku nihh?" haaa kan..act in my opinion la..bende camni takkyah la kecoh2,,redo je lahh dah bukan rezeki kite kan..igt lagi doa yg SARAH MISRI ajr hr tu "YA Allah,berilah segala ape yg terbaik buat diriku,agamaku.keluargaku,duniaku dan akhiratku.sesunggguhnya hanya Engkau yg Maha Mengetahui segala ape yg terbaik buat hamba-Mu" ..thanx SARAH ajarkn doa tu,thats make me feel strong with what God gave to me.I know its the best for me :))

so,guys doakn aku dpt MARA tau..bolehla ringankan beban my parents..or else aku konpius nk stay ke takk nanti..lagipon ter-over happy dah ni nk jumpe izhani ngan E'ah yg akan jadi my juniors kt utp utk MAY intake..welcome girls >AHAHA

<3 IDA SAYANG KAWAN LEBIH DR PAKWE.*ops still single keyhh :P